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Teachers: Understanding Dashboards

This article explains the what it is, where to find it, and what to do with dashboards for teachers.

What is a dashboard?

Dashboards are a way your leaders can make it easier and faster to explore meaningful data. Dashboards can be configured to be dynamic — meaning you and another teacher can look at the same dashboard in your account and each see your own class of students in your own accounts.

Where do I find dashboards?

The most likely place to find your dashboard is in the “class page” location. (See below.)


You may also see a dashboard when you click the reporting suite tab. (See below.)

What can I do with a dashboard?

Dashboards are meant to get the most meaningful data in front of you in a click. The reports saved to the dashboards are interactive.

You can see more information when hovering on a report.

Right-click a report to see more options.

Click “Show data table” to see the students in the report.

Click “Open as a report” to explore the data further in our reporting suite. Learn more about the new reporting suite here.

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