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  5. Leading an Equitable Success Data Discussion

Leading an Equitable Success Data Discussion

This article explains how to lead an Equitable Success data discussion to focus on demographic trends in your data.

Are you configured with student demographic data?

In order to use this discussion protocol, students need to have demographic data. This can generally be pulled from a SIS and uploaded into Forefront. Read more about that here. For that configuration, Forefront support will have to be involved to help with configuration: reach us at support@forefront.education.

Leading a Demographic Data Discussion

Watch this 9 minute video of Forefront founder David Woodward walking through the possibilities for meetings focused on equitable success. (To learn how to save and reopen reports, as David does, read how here.)

Get the printable PDF guide for this data discussion here: Equitable Success

Need more support? Or want to add demographic data for students?

Submit a support request or email our team at support@forefront.education.

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