How do I modify class names?

This article explains how teachers and leaders can modify class names in Forefront. 

For Teachers

Depending on how you are rostered, class names may or may not include distinguishing language. In the example below, this teacher has two first grade classes with the same name and same number of students.

This teacher can add a class tag by selecting a class, clicking ‘Settings’ in the left side navigation, and then choosing, ‘Modify Tag’ from the three dot menu.

Add language that will help distinguish this class from others and select, ‘Update Tag.’

The added class tag will now appear next to the class name.

For Leaders

Leaders with District Write permission can modify class names by editing the name itself, or by adding a class tag. This example leader has two Kindergarten classes, both named Kindergarten.

Modify the class name by selecting ‘Classes’ from the District Management options in the left side navigation. Search for the class and use the three dot menu to either rename the class or add a class tag.

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