Author Archives: Forefront Education Author

bridges math data feature image

Bridges Math Data Show Consistent Learning

Interruptions have impacted student learning nationwide. Measured by state tests, college entrance exams, and third-party assessment solutions, including benchmark and interim test solutions,…
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screening for rti/mtss

Math Screeners in an RtI/MTSS System

  “RtI begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening for all students.” IES Practice Guide, US DOE, 2009 It is a great trend…
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universal screening

Elementary Math Screener USNS Fall Results

A Reflection on USNS Results after 18 months of Covid-19 Pandemic The elementary math screener Universal Screeners for Number Sense (USNS)'s fall results…
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Social-Emotional Needs Before, During, and After USNS Interviews

The first weeks of school are an exciting time! Yet many students also feel anxious at the start of a new school year,…
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