USNS Next Steps Documents

The USNS Next Steps documents provide instructional suggestions for each fall USNS assessment task. These documents are included in all Forefront software plan subscriptions. They may be accessed in an account in two ways: through the data collection tools and in an item analysis report.

Please note that the USNS Next Steps documents are only available for the fall assessments for the 2021-22 school year. They will also be made available for the midyear assessments for the 2022-23 school year.

View a Document in the Gradebook Spreadsheet

Navigate to the gradebook spreadsheet for the USNS fall assessment that you would like to view. Click on a cell. In the right-hand navigation pane, select “Next Steps for Support”. The name of the document will then be visible.

Click the hyperlink to open the USNS Next Steps PDF document. Note that the document will open in a new window.

USNS Next Steps

View a Document in a Report

If you are viewing results for a single fall USNS assessment, select “Question Analysis” to view results through the lens of item analysis.

At the bottom of each column, the item number is clickable. Click the task number to open a window that will allow you to view the description of the task, answer rubric, next steps document, and download data.

Select “Next Steps” to navigate to the USNS Next Steps document tab and click on the hyperlink to opent the USNS Next Steps PDF document. Note that the document will open in a new window.

USNS Next Steps

Sample USNS Document

Want to see a sample of the USNS Next Steps document? Find a sample for fourth grade linked below.

Fall GRADE 4, QUESTION #7, Forefront USNS Instructional Supports

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