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Forefront’s Configuration for Add+Vantage Math Recovery (AVMR) Assessment Results

This article explains how AVMR is configured in Forefront.

Add+Vantage Math Recovery (AVMR) is a professional learning opportunity which includes a series of assessments.  Any questions regarding the program and assessments themselves should be directed to mathrecovery.org.

Forefront can be configured in a number of ways to help districts to collect, manage, visualize, and put AVMR assessment results into the context of the other assessment systems your district utilizes. This article will outline a couple of the scenarios that we have seen for you to consider in your decision making. If you are wondering what will work best for you, please reach out to your customer success specialist or support@forefront.education for help and guidance.

Some things to know:

  • The AVMR assessments are aligned to their own framework.  They are not aligned to CCSS or any other state standards.  Therefore when you add them to a course, be sure to create a lens that will enable people to see AVMR results in the student wheel and other views.
  • The performance expectations in the chart below are available as an off-the-shelf alignment available to districts.  These alignments were created by Forefront, not the Math Recovery Council.  The alignments should be reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate for your district.  The assessments in Forefront can be cloned and modified to match your situation and curricular materials.
  • There are 5 data entry portals per grade level.  Teachers are not expected to do all of these assessments (That would be unmanageable and not meaningful.) Rather, when an assessment is completed (any part of the AVMR system), choose the data entry spreadsheet that best matches the time of year.
  • Enter only the data for the assessments you give.  If you are only assessing Addition & Subtraction, only enter data in that field.  You do not need to fill out the entire spreadsheet.
  • Composite or Overall scores:  In the default configuration described below there is no composite score generated from the various assessments.  If your district is interested in implementing some methodology for calculating an overall score for the AVMR assessments, please contact your customer success specialist or support@forefront.education.

Forefront Course Configuration Scenarios

Scenario 1:  AVMR is a Tier 1 Solution utilized by classroom teachers

In this case it is likely best to add AVMR to your primary courses for all teachers.  When you do, don’t forget to create an AVMR lens.

Scenario 2:  AVMR assessments are only used for intervention purposes.  In this scenario it is best to create an intervention course that includes the assessments from your intervention program(s).  Add an AVMR lens to that course.  You might also want to consider the possibility of also adding the AVMR lens to your primary (Tier 1) courses as well.  This will allow classroom teachers to see performance according to the AVMR framework even though they might not be collecting that data themselves.

Forefront’s AVMR Off-The-Shelf Alignments: Click Here

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